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E: theology@mygril-yaoyao.com P: 206-281-2136 O: Alexander Hall 109
Academy: Whether you’re an undergraduate or a seminary student, you’ll experience a rigorous yet supportive academic environment, learning from outstanding biblical and theological scholars who possess a deep Christian faith.
Abbey: In the School of Theology, we stress accountable discipleship, providing opportunities for you to worship and fellowship in intentional Christian community, in order to be formed more and more into the likeness of Christ.
Are you looking for a community of scholars and friends who have a deep, abiding commitment to Christian faith that reaches around the world and is local at the same time? The School of Theology at Seattle Pacific University is that place. Through a unique model of scholarship, spiritual edification, and service we call “Academy, Abbey, Apostolate®” students are educated and equipped to engage the culture as thoughtful people.
The School of Theology offers seven minors. Students of all majors take our three University Foundations courses.
We offer graduate programs in an environment where you can flourish:
"Academy, Abbey, Apostolate" is a registered trademark of Seattle Pacific University.
Rev. Dr. Brian Lugioyo, Dean of the School of Theology offers an introduction and invitation.